Friday, February 24, 2006


Type 1 Meeting - Isolation Over!

On Tuesday night I experienced my first NYC type 1 meeting, and got to see the JDRF offices for the first time as well! It was a wonderful session, with David Weingarten, who is an IronMan triathelete and is starting a company that will help diabetics achieve fitness goals: Fitness for Diabetics. It was exciting to meet other diabetics, I think I've heard many times now that people can easily become isolated with this disease, and the palpable relief people feel at the JDRF walk, Type 1 meetings, etc. is new to me but a great thing to join in on.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Longest Living Type 1? Who Knew?

Today's New York Times cover had a story about 2 diabetic brothers. click here for article While I cringed at learning that one is the oldest person to survive so many years with Type 1 (I didn't know it was so rare), it was never-the-less an encouraging article. The nod to hard work was well placed, and the optimism in tune. My younger brother was diagnosed at 7, and I at 16. I'm grateful to have been born later in the century, however, when blood testing and insulin pumps are available, and of course I hope to live to see a cure.

P.S. Check out's blog site: the divas
Here we are - electronic AND in real life....


Divabetics Laugh It Up

I attended the most recent Divabetics event in New York - ( What a crazy night! While I didn't exactly get a make-over, it was fun to meet so many of the people I've talked to online at the event. Here is a place where I've found other Type 1's in New Yorker. If you are a New York, sign on!

Click to join typeIdiabetes

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